A Forum Dedicated to Change and Evolution.


Our core purpose is to build badass leaders. 

Badass leaders don’t accept complacency. They push the envelope and challenge the status quo. They don’t just rely on their own thoughts, but they seek diverse opinions and find the right solution to solve problems. Badass leaders ask why and aren’t afraid to experiment even if it means they might fail.

The association industry — comprised of the people who manage and impact the social and professional organizations that link so many of us — has the ability to create sweeping change by providing services, communities and education for the researchers, artists, doctors, lawyers, scientists, technicians, manual laborers and teachers who make our world a smarter, healthier and more vibrant place.

By helping the association industry, we hope to help the world.


Keep moving forward. We didn’t come here to be complacent. We get it done, but we do so while sweating the small stuff, recognizing mistakes and knocking down goals anyway.  

Seek diverse opinions. We see problem-solving as an opportunity to hear new voices, which helps us find new answers. 

Push limits with understanding. No one ever got anywhere worth going without getting a little uncomfortable. We push boundaries, and we find new ones — but respect the time and effort it takes to get there.

Ask ‘why?’ Experiment, fail, learn. We ask the first question to learn the next one to ask. We seek lessons from our failures and our victories.

Communicate fearlessly. We say what we mean, and mean what we say. We look for the right way to make a point, not the way it’s always been said.


We publish educational content from forward-thinking minds in the association industry and beyond. With articles, eBooks and our uniquely collaborative virtual conferences, including SURGE, we look to spark new ideas that can drive change and create new leaders. We don’t worry about where good ideas come from; we’re more interested in what those ideas actually are. While we know there are many companies and consultants with great insights, you won’t find anyone here trying to sell you a product or specific service. For full access to all these great resources, learn more about our Membership.


This incredible community is paramount to every step of our process. We don’t get better alone; we get better, together. Get information about who our contributors are and how we choose them on our authors page.

If you’re interested in contributing a blog post, appearing in a virtual workshop, helping us to build an interactive educational course or becoming a partner, get in touch by emailing us at community@associationsuccess.org. You can also get ideas on how to pitch us here.


Whether we gather in our members’ only forum, posting on Facebook or getting people together for a virtual workshop, we ask that all participants and speakers agree to our Community Guidelines. And we mean them, too: Big Badass is always watching, and violators won’t be tolerated. If you have any questions, you can always find us by emailing community@associationsuccess.org

  1. Listen first, react second. Think before you send.
  2. Criticize ideas, not people. We’re all adults. Sometimes we use adult language, but we never insult others.
  3. Respect the thread. Stay on topic, stay objective.