Author: Jon Gilmore

Director of Data Systems and Technology

Jon joined ACPA—College Student Educators International in February 2011 as the Director of Information Technology. Jon is responsible for the Association’s information technology planning, administration, and infrastructure as the Director of Data Systems and Technology. Jon began his IT career as a member of the U.S. Air Force while working as a military linguist in Maryland. Since then, he has held IT positions in government, legal services, non-profit, and academic settings.

Jon earned a bachelor’s in linguistic anthropology from the City University of New York (CUNY) Baccalaureate Program for Unique and Interdisciplinary Studies, as well as an MBA and an MS in Marketing from the University of Maryland University College.


Are We All Generalists in Association Culture?

Today, I am the Director of Data Systems and Technology for ACPA—College Student Educators International. However, my career trajectory was not an obvious one. A DIVERSE CAREER PATH I became an Air Force linguist after dropping out of community college in 1997. When the language I trained in was no longer needed, I took a […]